
Technology tends to find its way into the public school system – through hook or by crook.

So it only made sense that the latest technology boom (tablets) should find its way into America’s educational venues. The ways in which the iPad is being incorporated vary, but educators on a budget are relying on bulk iPad rentals to keep their kids competitive.

How, exactly, are iPads going to help kids learn? Well, here are the top five ways iPad rentals are going in to schools:

Rochester, Indiana School Grants Students iPads to All Second Graders

Thanks to a $200,000 grant, second-grade students attending a school in northern Indiana will be receiving free iPads. As per the technology director at Rochester Schools, Theresa Shafer, the students can take the iPads back home. And the school will host workshops on how iPads work and how they can be used safely.

Auburn, Maine Did Sort of the Same

An Auburn, Maine school district is doing very much the same thing – it is distributing iPad 2s to all of its kindergarten classes. The decision to make the iPads available for the children was unanimous – and comes with a price tag of about $20,000.

LeapFrog Adapts Learning Apps

LeapFrog Enterprises has released a new app called “Scout’s ABC Garden” which works on the iPad. It functions very much like the “See & Say” toys of old – children tapping or touching the screen are rewarded with colors, sounds and words.

Imaginatronics Offers Learning Apps As Well

Imaginatronics, a software development development company, is also on the iPad learning app bandwagon. Its two newly released games, “The Deep Blue Kingdom” and “Smart Kids Early Learning,” are highly interactive and promote intelligent learning. Marcus Cherian, president of Imaginatronics, shared his thoughts on the relevance of iPads in schools: “Tools such as the iPad will become more embedded into the education framework of children, parents, teachers and school systems. We will see a shift from today’s classical approach of standardized teaching to more personalized teaching and learning. The catalyst for this will be the content that is coming to market for a product such as the iPad.”

Princeton U. Uses Apps Too

Apps for iPads aren’t just used by lower-level grade schoolers. The Princeton Review will be encouraging the usage of a new Apple app designed for usage in SAT test preparation. The app, called “SAT Score Quest,” will asses students’ testing capabilities, show them their weaknesses, and make suggestions for improvement.

Editor’s Note: If you’re an educator or a business wanting to rent iPads, feel free to contact us at Vernon Computer Source. We’d be happy to help!


Note: we do not rent to individuals for personal use.