A Full Service Asset Management Solution from Soup to Nuts.

Device lifecycle management has been a pain point for organizations for many years. When Covid-19 hit in 2020, work from home as well as hybrid work models grew exponentially which put additional stress on organizations to deploy and manage their IT assets. Although Vernon Computer Source (VCS) has been performing many of the services listed below for nearly 30 years, we created the Vernon Solution 360 platform as a combined solution to address the pain points of device lifecycle management.


Each company and their needs are different. As such, the Vernon Solution 360 offering is customized to meet your individual needs as an organization. Whether it’s simply warehousing and deployment or full service acquisition to disposal services, we welcome a chance to discuss your device lifecycle management needs.

Device Lifecycle Management – Step by Step

The Vernon Solution 360 Device Lifecycle Management portfolio provides an end to end solution to ensure your employees and contractors have the equipment they need and are always ready to work. View the highlights of each step by clicking below.

device lifecycle management

Connect With Us

Fill out the form below to share a high level overview of your device lifecycle management needs. One of our experts will follow up to coordinate a convenient time to schedule a call and discuss more specifics.


Service Deployment Area (Select Each That Apply)