As Brightbox is a leader in charging station technology, it’s offerings go beyond a simple compartment for your event attendees to charge their phones (although it definitely does that, too!). Not only will your attendees be provided with a crucial need to keep them connected, it also provides unique marketing opportunities for your vendors. In addition to digital signage and panel advertising for branding, Brightbox also works with leaders in RFID technology to provide a unique experience for each of your participating attendee s.
Brightbox RFID Compatibility
InCharged lockers work with the most popular NFC and RFID event suppliers in today’s market including Event Farm, Fish Technologies, Thuzi, PDC Solutions, Connect & Go, and more.
If you’re new to RFID technology, it is the newest wave of innovative technology to sweet experiential marketing. RFID tags can be place into wristbands, tags, cards, hotel keys, or even stickers and registered to an individual profile. If you’re using one of these solutions for your event, we can integrate this with your Brightbox rental, and attendees can use their RFID device to access their charging chamber.
• Mifare 1K
• Mifare Mini
• Mifare Ultralight
• Mifare Ultralight C
• ISO 14443A
Rent Brightbox with RFID Configuration
If you’re already using RFID technology to create a memorable, personalized experience for your event attendees, contact us about incorporating this into a Brightbox rental. Doing so will double your purpose of providing a useful and needed service to attendees, while also providing a unique marketing opportunity for your vendors through sponsorships.
Brightbox also offers SMS Relay, Camera Audience Measurement, surveys/polls and more. To learn more about renting Brightbox for your next event, give us a call or request a quote and a dedicated sales representative will answer any questions you may have in a timely fashion.
Note: we do not rent to individuals for personal use.